New Game
Nomotion A Memory Game 1.2
Copyright (c) Altec Services All rights reserved.
Select "Play" from the start menu or "New Game" from the top menu located just above the game screen. A game can be paused from the stats screen that appears in between levels. Click "Pause" button to pause and "Resume" to continue with a paused game.
Several factors affect the scoring of the game. Points are added to your score when correct matches are achieved. Points are deducted if the selected cards do not match. Elapse of time also results in an incremental reduction of points. Consecutive correct matches results in increases in point gains. Similarly consecutive unmatched selections results in an increase in points losses. Furthermore, as you progress through the game point gains and losses increase (i.e. At higher levels you score (or lose) greater amount points compared to lower levels).
The game consists of a number of levels which function in the same manner. However, levels are designed such that matching pairs of images becomes increasingly difficult as you progress through the game.
If your rate of success in matching pairs of images in a given level is high enough you are rewarded with an additional bonus level. Bonus levels are generally easier to complete than standard levels. Given that it has a scoring structure of the preceding level it provides an opportunity to amass large points particularly at latter stages of the game.
Level statistics are displayed after each level. Just above the pause button shows the upcoming level number and title. The previous level statistics are displayed in the subsequent section.
Level number: And the title of the level just completed.
Level score: Points scored in the level. Negative score if you lost points (refer to score structure). In brackets is a rating based on your performance in the level. Five stars is the maximum and no stars if your performance was mediocre.
Completion time: Time used to complete the level.
Success rate: Percentage of turns in which correct matches produced (e.g. 50% success rate indicates that you selected correct matches in 50% of the turns in the level). If you success rate is higher enough you are rewarded with an additional bonus level.